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Ps Chiangba

Go Back and Walk Here

by Ps Chiangba, Pastor-in-Charge of Phulbari Methodist Church, Nepal.

I was born into a very religious family; my father was a famous shaman. I had three mothers because my father had three wives. So in my younger days, I did not have to help out with household chores.

Before I accepted Christ, I was a political activist, fighting for the liberation of my country. In 1997, I became an active cadre and a member of the underground organisation CPN-Maoist. The party had given me the responsibility in the People’s Militia Department to expand the organisation in the Kavre district under the Bagmati Zone. I went door-to-door to actively convey the party’s messages to the people. I spent almost six years doing this as instructed by the leaders. At that time, I did not have much interest in religion because there was no place for religion or spiritual salvation in the teaching of the political party. For me, my schooling then was the only truth in the materialistic world.

In February 2004, while I was having tea in a shop and talking to friends, there was news that Christians were coming to our village to distribute money. At that time, everyone in the party hated the word “American Imperialism”. Christianity was considered an American religion. So I was ordered by the district secretary to take action if the case was true. I started to search for evangelists who were distributing money. At that time, my name was on top of the terrorist list by the government of Nepal and my village development committee (VDC).

One day, I suddenly met three preachers on the road. As I was talking with them, I did not have the urge to arrest them even though I knew they were the people I had to find and take action against. Instead, I heard a voice saying, “Listen to them.” I walked away without paying much attention to them. From that day onwards, the only thing that kept ringing in my mind was “Go back and walk here”, “Go back and walk here”. (This Nepali expression meant for him to go back to the incident of walking with the preachers to listen to their gospel message instead of arresting them.)

After that, I secretly accepted the Lord Jesus without telling anyone. I faced many problems in my household. Suddenly, my wife began to suffer from tremors. However, on 23 October 2004, I attended a baptism programme in Kathmandu. Without telling my wife or anybody else, I decided to take baptism there.

From that day onwards, I decided that I would never go back to the other world. I then shared my baptism experience with everyone in the family. My wife, daughters, and son subsequently accepted Christ into their lives.

Today, my whole family knows the Lord. My oldest daughter is serving in the ministry with me as an evangelist at Patlekhet Preaching Point. I thank God very much. I have made a promise to serve Him as long as I live on this earth until my heartbeat stops inside my chest. All glory to the Lord!


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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Dec 09, 2021

Dear Ps Chiangba, Thank you for your awesome testimony! Praise God for "Go back and walk here" and listen to the words of Christ! Indeed, the Lord works in marvelous ways that we might not be able to comprehend. He is Sovereign and reigns forevermore! The Lord bless you and your family as you continue to serve Him @Nepal. Be encouraged always. Shalom.

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