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Called to Serve

by Gluay, Ministry staff of Nong Bua Lamphu Methodist Church, Thailand.

When I was 11 years old, my parents were separated. My mother remarried and had a new family. But my twin sister and I stayed with my father. Though he was in poor health, he worked hard to provide for both of us so that we could go to school.

Some Christians came to my neighbourhood to handout tracts about Jesus. I was afraid that these people were trying to trick and bring harm to me. So, I tore up the tracts and ran away from them.

Soon after, Ps Oh and Ps Chabaa shared about God at my house frequently and I had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. I invited my friends to join me to listen to the story of Jesus and do some colouring work. We were happy to have someone to do some activities with us. Weeks later, Ps Oh invited us to join in an English programme at the church with people from Singapore. He rented a vehicle to ferry my friends and me to church and back home. We were happy, had much fun, and made new friends including many pastors and Singaporeans. They showed love and were always smiling at me. I had never experienced before this warmth in my heart, not even from my family. Although I knew that God was good, I was not ready to receive Jesus lest my father would not accept it and scold me. Nonetheless, I continued to attend church as usual.

During my secondary school days, I received bursary from the church. My father was very happy as it lifted part of his financial burden. The pastors and church people continued to show love and good will to my family. They prayed, helped, stayed beside me, and visited us. When I was 14 years old, Rev Attaphon and Ps Piti spoke to my twin and me personally. We decided to receive Jesus into our lives on the same day. God loved and saved me from death. I felt a peace that I had never experienced before. I was subsequently baptised by Rev Prasert and Rev Attaphon in the following year.

After that, I served in the church ministries. I led worship and songs, wrote worship song, and invited my friends to church. One day, a Singaporean, who was on a mission trip, asked if I want to serve the Lord. He suggested that I could attend a Bible college. Ps Khem, who nurtured me spiritually and groomed me to be a youth leader, also encouraged me to pray about going to a Bible college. At a youth camp, the preacher invited us to give ourselves to serve the Lord. I was moved and felt Him calling me. I wanted to give my whole life to reciprocate God’s love for me. I knelt in prayer and committed to serve Him. After I finished my M.6 studies, I worked as a church intern for a year to prepare myself to become a full-fledged seminary student. After the internship, I was more certain to go to the Bible College with the support from my church and pastor.

At the seminary, I learnt a lot about discipline, bible knowledge, ministry skills, and service. But it was not easy. Many times, I felt pressurised, tired, discouraged, and wanted to give up. However, I persevered on and prayed, and God led me through with His strength. After I completed the bachelor’s degree course, I served full-time at Nong Bua Lamphu Methodist Church as a ministry staff. Because I had decided to serve the Lord, I will continue to serve until my last day on this earth. The Lord, in His mercy, will use even a little person like me to do great things.

Thank you Mettakij Church Association in Thailand and Wesley Methodist Church (Singapore) for your constant support. Thanks to everyone who has supported me, stayed with me, and watched me grow. I am not a perfect Christian and I still require your prayer and support.

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14)


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1 Comment

Nov 09, 2021

Dear Gluay, Thank you for sharing your faith in Christ and the manner in which He has led you to receive Him as Lord and Savior plus His call for you to be equipped as a staff for His mission. May you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and that His joy will e your strength. May I encourage you to wait upon Him, cast all your cares upon Him and witness His Hand at work in transforming lives. Have a meaningful and fruitful season of ministry always! Shalom!

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